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set_csfmt_rts_data_v2 converts a data.table to csfmt_rts_data_v2 by reference. csfmt_rts_data_v2 creates a new csfmt_rts_data_v2 (not by reference) from either a data.table or data.frame.


set_csfmt_rts_data_v2(x, create_unified_columns = TRUE, heal = TRUE)

csfmt_rts_data_v2(x, create_unified_columns = TRUE, heal = TRUE)



The data.table to be converted to csfmt_rts_data_v2


Do you want it to create unified columns?


Do you want to impute missing values on creation?


An extended data.table, which has been modified by reference and returned (invisibly).

No return value, called for side effect of replacing the current data.table with a csfmt_rts_data_v2 in place.

Returns a duplicated csfmt_rts_data_v2.


For more details see the vignette: vignette("csfmt_rts_data_v2", package = "cstidy")

Smart assignment

csfmt_rts_data_v2 contains the smart assignment feature for time and geography.

When the variables in bold are assigned using :=, the listed variables will be automatically imputed.


  • granularity_geo

  • country_iso3


  • granularity_time

  • isoweek

  • isoyearweek

  • isoquarter

  • isoyearquarter

  • season

  • seasonweek

  • calyear

  • calmonth

  • calyearmonth

  • date


  • granularity_time

  • isoyear

  • isoweek

  • isoquarter

  • isoyearquarter

  • season

  • seasonweek

  • calyear

  • calmonth

  • calyearmonth

  • date


  • granularity_time

  • isoyear

  • isoweek

  • isoyearweek

  • isoquarter

  • isoyearquarter

  • season

  • seasonweek

  • calyear

  • calmonth

  • calyearmonth

Unified columns

csfmt_rts_data_v2 contains 16 unified columns:

  • granularity_time

  • granularity_geo

  • country_iso3

  • location_code

  • border

  • age

  • sex

  • isoyear

  • isoweek

  • isoyearweek

  • isoquarter

  • isoyearquarter

  • season

  • seasonweek

  • calyear

  • calmonth

  • calyearmonth

  • date


# Create some fake data as data.table
d <- cstidy::generate_test_data(fmt = "csfmt_rts_data_v2")
d <- d[1:5]

# convert to csfmt_rts_data_v2 by reference
cstidy::set_csfmt_rts_data_v2(d, create_unified_columns = TRUE)

d[1, isoyearweek := "2021-01"]
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 3:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        3
#> 3:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 3:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        3
#> 3:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
d[2, isoyear := 2019]
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
d[3, date := as.Date("2020-01-01")]
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
d[4, c("isoyear", "isoyearweek") := .(2021, "2021-01")]
#> Warning: Multiple time variables specified. Smart-assignment disabled.
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2021       3     2021-01          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor34     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2021       3     2021-01          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
d[5, c("location_code") := .("norge")]
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          nation          nor         norge     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2021       3     2021-01          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#>    granularity_time granularity_geo country_iso3 location_code border  age  sex
#> 1:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor42     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 2:          isoyear          county          nor  county_nor32     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 3:             date          county          nor  county_nor33     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 4:      isoyearweek          county          nor  county_nor56     NA <NA> <NA>
#> 5:      isoyearweek          nation          nor         norge     NA <NA> <NA>
#>    isoyear isoweek isoyearweek isoquarter isoyearquarter    season seasonweek
#> 1:    2021       1     2021-01          1        2021-Q1 2020/2021         24
#> 2:    2019      52     2019-52          1        2022-Q1      <NA>         NA
#> 3:    2020       1     2020-01          1        2020-Q1 2019/2020         24
#> 4:    2021       3     2021-01          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#> 5:    2022       3     2022-03          1        2022-Q1 2021/2022         26
#>    calyear calmonth calyearmonth       date deaths_n
#> 1:      NA       NA         <NA> 2021-01-10        2
#> 2:      NA       NA         <NA> 2019-12-29        3
#> 3:    2020        1     2020-M01 2020-01-01        4
#> 4:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5
#> 5:      NA       NA         <NA> 2022-01-23        5

# Investigating the data structure of one column inside a dataset
cstidy::generate_test_data() %>%
  cstidy::set_csfmt_rts_data_v2() %>%
  cstidy::identify_data_structure("deaths_n") %>%

# Investigating the data structure via summary
cstidy::generate_test_data() %>%
  cstidy::set_csfmt_rts_data_v2() %>%
#> granularity_time
#> ✅ No errors
#> granularity_geo
#> ✅ No errors
#> country_iso3
#> ✅ No errors
#> location_code
#> ✅ No errors
#> border
#> ❌ Errors:
#> - NA exists (not allowed)
#> age
#> ✅ No errors
#> sex
#> ✅ No errors
#> isoyear
#> ✅ No errors
#> isoweek
#> ✅ No errors
#> isoyearweek
#> ✅ No errors
#> isoquarter
#> ✅ No errors
#> isoyearquarter
#> ✅ No errors
#> season
#> ✅ No errors
#> seasonweek
#> ✅ No errors
#> calyear
#> ✅ No errors
#> calmonth
#> ✅ No errors
#> calyearmonth
#> ✅ No errors
#> date
#> ✅ No errors
#> granularity_time (character):
#> 	- isoyearweek (n = 45)
#> granularity_geo (character):
#> 	- county (n = 45)
#> country_iso3 (character):
#> 	- nor (n = 45)
#> location_code (character)
#> border (integer):
#> 	- <NA> (n = 45)
#> age (character):
#> 	- 000_005 (n = 15)
#> 	- <NA>    (n = 15)
#> 	- total   (n = 15)
#> sex (character):
#> 	- <NA>  (n = 15)
#> 	- total (n = 30)
#> isoyear (integer):
#> 	- 2022 (n = 45)
#> isoweek (integer)
#> isoyearweek (character)
#> isoquarter (integer)
#> isoyearquarter (character)
#> season (character):
#> 	- 2021/2022 (n = 45)
#> seasonweek (numeric)
#> calyear (integer)
#> calmonth (integer)
#> calyearmonth (character)
#> date (Date)
#> deaths_n (integer)