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org 2022.12.28

  • Inclusion of create_project_quarto that provides an example project of how to use org with quarto.
  • Inclusion of file utility functions, such as ls_files, move_file_or_dir, path.
  • Inclusion of utility function package_installed.

org 2022.7.21

CRAN release: 2022-07-20

  • Reduction of exports to: initialize_project, set_results, write_text.
  • initialize_project now takes in env as an argument (the environment into which the functions will be sourced).

org 2020.2.17

Introduction of: - write_text - initialize_project - set_results - org::project

Depreciation of: - AllowFileManipulationFromInitialiseProject - InitialiseProject - PROJ - set_shared

org 2019.4.2

CRAN release: 2019-04-02

  • Allows for multiple code folders to be sourced using the argument folders_to_be_sourced (previously this was hardcoded as a folder called code)

org 2019.3.5

  • Removal of stringr and lubridate dependencies

org 2019.2.21

CRAN release: 2019-03-06

  • Submission to CRAN
  • Includes functions AllowFileManipulationFromInitialiseProject and InitialiseProject